Since my set back..

I went for a diagnostic ultrasound and the lump is not cancer I guess a lump can show up for no apparent reason. Yeah, my sense of humor is always on point. I haven’t written for a while and I got through the heavy stuff that I needed to and still working on myself. We are getting ready for the holidays and so I’m taking a break from my art projects till after the new year. Hopefully, after the new year, I will have more to write about but life is on snooze at the moment. It’s better to take a step back than move forward with no plan B. The Bariatric surgery is on hold till I can eat three to four small meals a day and till I can afford the out of pocket expenses for the vitamins and I wanted to see how the ultrasound turned out. Till the new year, I am taking time to focus on the holidays and dealing with the holidays without my little sister for the first time, I went through her photo albums last week and it stirred so many emotions but I bucked up and did it.I know she isn’t suffering anymore but missing her still hurts.